Ohhhh… When the Minnesota Hungarians get together, you’re going to feel it the next day. We ate too much, drank too much, and danced too much. It was a good time. The Gralenas are in town, the half of the Molkens crossed the river, and the half that did brought her Mom. A good time was had by all, and by some, a little too much of a good time.

Our table, the focus is a little funky.

The DeeJay and his protege

The wonderful raffle-ticket-and-sausage salesgals, putting the hard-sell on the deejay stand.

reluctant?... no, the eager bartender

A half Mol-ken and her Mommabird.


And then came the raffle...

Our clan made off like bandits in the raffle. J-Man scored the first prize. Having only purchased one ticket, he was quite amazed. Mommabird won a bottle of wine, Cousin-T won a Rubix-Suduko (how Hungarian!), Mister-J won a lovely doily, and the grand prizes went to the table as well. Mad got the PAPRIKA PALINKA and Bob won the CAKE! Hooray!

Not everyone could win the palinka, though.